Tattoo Designs and Ideas For Fonts and Language For Lettering Tattoos

Tattoo Designs and Ideas For Fonts and Language For Lettering Tattoos
So you've decided to get a tattoo and you thought it would be really cool to get a word tattoo. So now you have your favorite saying and you're ready to have the words permanently etched in ink on your skin forever. The only problem is that you are at a loss when it comes to how you would actually present your tattoo.

When it comes to word tattoos, one important aspect of it is the font. Somehow, having the appropriate font allow you to drive the meaning of your tattoo home. Because people get tattoos because they want to express themselves, getting the perfect font is imperative for you to realize the impression for why you decided to have a tattoo on the first place.

If you are someone who hates formalities and any form of restraint, you would probably do well with icy or fiery fonts. These fonts establish a kind of rebel vibe if that is what you are aspiring for. However, if you want your tattoo to be a classic, old fonts like Old English would probably be the best choice for you.

It may be important to actually read your word tattoo, but that's not completely necessary. You can have a word tattoo that is written in Arabic, Kanji or even Chinese. Romantic languages like French, Italian and Latin are always getting hot these days, The advantage of having your word tattoo written in those ways is that there is an air of mystery that surrounds your tattoo. So many Hollywood stars are going for word tattoos with actual meanings but only written in a completely unfamiliar language.